Tulip Time Festival 2012

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dinsdag 24 juli 2012

Stroopwafel Inspiration

My oh my, just stumbled upon this. Have to give this a try, don't you think? A stroopwafel sandwich with strawberries, mascarpone cheese, and melted chocolate. Heaven! ♥

maandag 9 juli 2012

Stroopwafels for Breakfast

Who says you can't have stroopwafels for breakfast?

donderdag 5 juli 2012

Dutch Sugarfree and Gluten Free Stroopwafels

New Products: As of July 9th, we will carry Sugar Free and Gluten Free stroopwafels! Both of these will be imported from the Netherlands. This way, everyone can enjoy a stroopwafel! ♥

zondag 1 juli 2012

Recipe for Stroopwafelparfait

Since we all love stroopwafels and it was time for a long overdue blog post, I figured I'd give this amazing stroopwafelparfait a chance. Result? A+ Have fun and enjoy! <3
(serves 4 persons)

250 ml whipping cream
100 gram ultra fine sugar
250 gram mild yoghurt
12 mini stroopwafels
1/2 tsp cinnamon

You'll also need
Plastic foil
Baking sheet
Freezer tray

In a bowl, whisk the whipping cream to a beautiful whipped cream. Follow instructions on packaging as you might need to add sugar. Blend in yoghurt and ultra fine sugar. Whisk until blended.

Set aside 4 mini stroopwafels and cut up the other 8 mini stroopwafels in tiny pieces. Fold in the whipped cream/yoghurt mixture along with cinnamon.

Line your freezer tray with plastic foil. Transfer yoghurt mixture in tray, cover with lid or plastic foil, and place in freezer for at least 6 hours.

Take parfait out of freezer 10 minutes before serving. Heat up remaining stroopwafels in microwave or oven. Take parfait out of freezer tray and cut in slices. Decorate with warm stroopwafels and sprinkle cinnamon over parfait.

We think a warm hot fudge sauce drizzled over the parfait would be divine as well!